
The selfdriven plan.

Organisational Structure

The organisation and planning are based on the following four zones ...


Strategic direction during start up and on going.


Framework and services. Research & development.


Community engagement, including pilot progams with learning-partner organisations.


Running of the services, on-chain and cloud based (off-chain).

Roadmap covers ...

The foundation:

Start up & on-going phases.

Building the foundation team.

Community engagement & building.

Building the technology.




We are delivering on the following three key outcomes.


Areas of Focus



Set up structures for the organisation.

Legal structures & financials.

Operating System






Validation of the framework.

Skills set genesis.


Lab & Operations

Cloud based app and api (off-chain).

Cardano integration (on-chain).



Discussions with learning communities.

Pilot programs.


Direction & Engagement

selfdriven Tokens.

Rewards for community.

Key Milestones Timeline



  • Research and conceptualisation of the selfdriven framework.

  • Listen and learn from a diverse set of learning-partner organisations & learners.



  • Document the White Paper 1.0.

  • Cloud service (app & api) 1.0 build.

    Built on entityOS.
  • Cardano design; policies, assets (tokens), metadata formats.

  • Start building the Foundation and Cloud Services teams.



  • Cardano genesis minting; policies, assets.

  • Document the "The-Shift".

  • Document the "Protocol-For-Change".


  • Build universal skills set.

  • Create the "Getting On-Chain Guide".

  • Document "Learning-Templates".

  • Share Tokenomics.


  • Set up the education site with the 8 guides needed to run a pilot.

  • Pilot the cloud service app with a diverse set of learning-partner organisations.

  • Engage with key stakeholders in the education eco-system.

  • Continue with the creation of the universal skill set.

  • Raise awareness of the "on-chain" Universal Skill Set within the Cardano community.

  • Create & commission art for early supporter program.


  • Launch the early supporter program.

  • "selfdriven Direction Get-Together" event.

    Key road-mapping event by the foundation.
  • Start integrating the selfdriven identity framework with other "on-chain" Decentralised IDs (DIDs).



  • Start building our research framework, as a focus for the next 12 months

  • Work on "Projects" & "Level Up" apps, as focus for 6 months.


  • Initiate the Research & Ethics Working Group.

  • Investigate Catalyst and other funding options.

  • Continue building the foundation team.


  • First release of core App.

  • Start the design of the selfdriven OctoDAO

  • Collaborate with other Cardano projects.

    e.g. for capturing learner reading activity etc.
  • Start geographically diverse community building


  • General public release of core App.

  • First release of "Level Up", "Studio", "Org" & "Next Steps" Apps.

  • Focus on community engagement and development.

  • Engage with more learning-partner organisations towards on-boarding.



  • Update the website, taking it from a reference website to a focused/simplified website for each of the community member types.

  • Continue private pilot based testing of the "Level Up", "Studio", "Org" & "Next Steps" Apps.


  • General release of "Level Up", "Studio", "Org" & "Next Steps" Apps.


  • Continue to decentralise selfdriven Foundation governance with launch of the OctoDAO.

  • Launch the OctetDAO framework for learning communities to run their improve commmity governance e.g. funding approval.

  • Initiate the selfdriven Stake Pool project.

  • Focus on tokenomics and start working with DEXs for SDC liquidity pools.


  • Launch the OctetDAO framework for learning communities to run their improve commmity governance e.g. funding approval.

  • Engage with more learning-partner organisations towards on-boarding.

  • Focus on tokenomics and start working with DEXs for SDC liquidity pools.

  • Launch the OctoPool Stake Pool.


Q1 2024

Q4 2023

  • Garry Golden joins the Foundation Team!

  • Initiated our Catalyst Fund10 proposal which got funded!

  • Next rounded of pilot testing completed for apps complete. Now focused on final build and testing - they are very close!

  • Continuing talking to partners about the use cases for the apps.

  • selfdrivenAI website started to share research into Generative AI.

  • Working with MAV100 & Commonlands to help with their on-boarding and tracking of member learning growth etc

Q3 2023

  • Damian joins the Foundation Team!

  • One of our Catalyst Fund10 proposals got funded!

  • Next rounded of pilot testing completed for You & Level Up apps complete. Now focused on final build and testing - they are very close!

  • Continuing talking to partners about the Growth-Cycle.

  • Work continues on the Supporter App build started for Proof-of-Concept

  • Work continues on the design for two dedicated communication websites. One for the On-Chain/Cardano Community & one for the educational community.

  • selfdrivenAI website started to share research into Generative AI.

  • Working with MAV100 & Commonlands to help with their on-boarding and tracking of member learning growth etc

Q2 2023

  • Bence, Benjamin & Mario joined the Foundation Team!

  • Working on preparing the five selfdriven Catalyst Fund10 Proposals

  • Work continues on building the Level Up & Projects Apps for based on feedback from pilots started in May.

  • Talking to partners about the Growth-Cycle.

  • Based on Growth-Cycle design, Supporter App build started for Proof-of-Concept

  • Work continues on the design for two dedicated communication websites. One for the On-Chain/Cardano Community & one for the educational community.

  • Started a reference "Intelligence" page to capture thoughts on the new forms of intelligence and how they will impact our society .

Q1 2023

  • Pilots for Level-Up & Projects have started. Design sessions have added to the development of the Growth Cycle (see below). We are focused on building the Level Up & Projects Apps for based on feedback from pilots started in May.

  • Growth-Cycle design well progressed.

  • Based on Growth-Cycle design, Supporter App design & build started for Proof-of-Concept

  • Work continues on the design for two dedicated communication websites. One for the On-Chain/Cardano Community & one for the educational community.

  • Example of using LLM as Cognitive Assistant example published to reference website.

  • Engaging with a number of community members about joining the foundation team.

APR 2023

  • We are focused on building the Level Up & Projects Apps for pilots planned to start in May.

  • Level Up App reseach and design framework released.

  • We have started the design for two dedicated communication websites. One for the On-Chain/Cardano Community & one for the educational community.

  • Example of using LLM as Cognitive Assistant example published to reference website.

On-Chain Reporting

We use the selfdriven Organisational (SDO) NFT to report updates in the context of the selfdriven Root Project.
To view on-chain data query the Cardano Main-Chain with:


We work well with others. If you have any throughts on collaboration with us, let us know!