Protocol For Change

Using selfdriven to support a change in the way we learn

Supporting the shift to ...

Supporting ...

Learner Driven Learning

Supporting learner driven learning based on both foundational learning (cognitive) and purpose driven learning (limbic) that feels good for the learner.

Growth Focused Learning

Support the learner based on learning growth linked to what is driving their learning.

Measure By Activity

Measure activity for growth as a continuum, not moment-in-time assessments.

Recognising that ...

The foundation:

Learning happens constantly and anywhere - real-world & virtual-world (games).

Learning happens when having fun and you are a part of it.

Sharing data (off & on-chain) enables better learning support.

Engaging the learner means connecting to their world, not them to yours.

If it's not relevant and accessible, it's not inclusive.

Lots of work currently done by humans won't be in the future, starting now.


We are delivering on the following three key outcomes.


selfdriven as a protocol for change, enables ...

Project Based Learning

Everything is a project for improvement.
Set up project templates to drive selfdriven-learning.
Combining learner & learning-partner reflections on and for growth.

Capturing Activity

Capture activity constantly.
Reflect and acknowledge effort quickly (as "Zaps") to keep the learner's energy flowing.
Acknowledgement of all learning experiences.

Inclusive Accessibility

It's in their hands.
An app for their world.
Recognition that learning happens in many different spaces.

Growth Recognition

Learner showcases.
Visualisation of growth.
Guided next steps in learning.


Real-time sharing with learning-partners using a common language and
Off-chain (the app) & on-chain (Cardano).

Making It Fun

Gamification via tokens.
Learn to earn.
Make it playful.


The positive impact of having a sense of control and agency for both the learner and learning partner.


Step by step guides to get you up and running with the App, running or participating in a proof-of-concept pilot, getting "on-chain" and more!


A deeper dive into selfdriven.


Talk to us about how we can get you started with selfdriven.