
Structures to support self-driven learning & communities.

Templates are used to ...

Supporting ...

Support self-driven learning

Policy & learning structures for project based self-driven learning: tasks, skills required, skills gained, learning-partner verification guides.

Make learning local

Enabling local identity and culture: skills identity, supporting economic identity.

Build trusted collaboration

Learning-partners can see how the skills were achieved: how it was learnt, who verified them etc.

Templates ...

The foundation:

Open, adaptable.

A structural part of the identity economy.

Universal, enabling global learning.

Independent of entity type: Humans, AI, Machines can collaborate and work/learn together.

Can be stored on-chain, as decentralised assets on the Cardano blockchain.

Includes verification logic for building trust.

Template Types


Learning tasks, skills required, skills gained, local terminology, verification policies.


Supporting project based learning: project outcomes, tasks etc

Next steps

For learning pathway assistance based on achievements/skills, activities.

Template Sharing

Without Source Licence

Templates solely orginated by selfdriven (i.e. no source licence) are shared (licenced) as Creative Commons CC0 Universal (Public Domain Dedication).

With Source Licence

Templates that use other source content are shared (licensed) as per the source sharing policy - e.g. for PBLworks they are shared as Creative Commons BY-SA-NC.

Explore Shared Templates

Skill Verification

Learning templates include verification logic that can be used when determining if a learner has a required skill and also when a skill is being issued as "gained" i.e. who can issue the achievement/skill.


Learning Template

Verifier (Issuer) Levels

As set by selfdriven (centralised) or other verifier (decentralised).
Well Known
E.g. Department of Education
Known, but not well-known
E.g. Registered Training Organisation
Any other learning partner

Issued By Types

Verification (issuance) can be by "any" entity with at least one of the types below) OR "all".
Is this identity
E.g. sdi (bce5418c-376c-4a7c-8520-88bfb23584d1)
Has these skills
E.g. 00380002001001 / Learning Partner [8-C]
Has a verifier level
Has a level, W, K or U


Access the skills set using the selfdriven API.


Access the skills set on the Cardano blockchain.

Build a Template

A guide on how to build a template.

Cognitive Assistance

Supporting Self-driven Project Based Learning Design


Establish trust in issued achievements & skills

Achievement Verfication

A deeper dive into establishing trust in issued achievements and associated skills.

Say Hello to Octo!

A member of the selfdriven community created using DALL-E.

Octo characters can be used when grouping skills based on capabilities.

Getting Started

Talk to us about how we can get you started with building a template.