The selfdriven Growth Cycle
The selfdriven Growth Cycle is an economic system centered around fostering personal growth,
especially in learning, through the use of blockchain technology and tokens. The growth
cycle consists of several main steps:
Locked Energy
In this phase, supporters from the learning community provide funds, which are represented as
SDAX tokens. These tokens are locked until specific learner growth is achieved.
Learner Growth
Learners engage in projects and challenges through selfdriven Apps. The learning activities
are verified by a trusted learning partner, and achievements associated with skills are
issued. These achievements are represented as SDA tokens, and skills are represented as SDI
tokens, both in compliance with W3C/SSI standards.
Energise Projects & Learners
As learners complete projects and their skill growth is verified, achievements are issued by
trusted learning partners. These achievements unlock support funds referred to as liquidity
pairs. The funds can be distributed to a learner, or a project controlled by a trusted
learning partner, based on the parameters set by the liquidity provider.
Notably, the SDAX token represents the locked energy provided by community supporters and
maps one-to-one to the SDA token. Any entity can provide liquidity to support the
learning-powered growth cycle, typically in the form of SDAX/ADA or SDAX/DJED pairs.
Unlocking of tokens can be done either through a validation script (Smart Contract) or
off-chain order batch processing.
Funds for the Growth Cycle
Funds for the Growth Cycle can be donated or used to support projects that help recipients
and generate a financial return for the liquidity provider. An example provided is the
tokenization of property ownership, where a percentage of the tokens are used as collateral
in exchange for DJED through a DeFi protocol. These funds are then used to create an SDAX
token with unlocking parameters set by the community supporter.
Example Scenario
The website provides an example scenario wherein a learner in a "developed" nation levels up
their skills, unlocking a SDAX. The unlocked SDAX sends DJED to a learning-partner
organization to purchase a laptop for a learner in a "developing" nation.