
"It's time to be human again."
The community research and inputs that shape selfdriven and its value to society.
What has shaped selfdriven to this point.
The continued improvement & shaping of selfdriven.


Verification ...


The inputs into the selfdriven Operating System (app, framework etc) have been varied and many over the last 5 years.


To date, conversations with key learning ecosystem stakeholders & Proof-of-concept pilots.

Working Groups

University level facilitated academic analysis (including peer-reviewing), via the selfdriven Research & Ethics Working Group (OctoCrew).

Is selfdriven helping to create a least-harmful society?

  • Analysis of the framework in action, looking at the outcomes
  • Ethical discussions - selfdriven & beyond e.g. impact of AGI etc
  • Inclusion of research by others - including peer-reviewing.
  • Validation of the research work itself

Research & Ethics Working Group

This group is being initiated in Q3 2023 as per the selfdriven roadmap.

Formed as an OctoPod, as part of the selfdriven community.

Eight facilitating members.

Initiated by the selfdriven Foundation, but then managed by the working group as per its governance framework.

Engages with other research groups.

The group will collaborate with the selfdriven Foundation.

Members & their skills (credentials) in relation to this group, are managed using the selfdriven identity framework.

Research Facilitation

The research, including this research group, is facilitated by selfdriven Foundation Founder Members; Bence Lukacs & Benjamin Heurich.

selfdriven Foundation Led Research

The work by the foundation leading up to the initiation of the working group Q3 2023.

2018 to 2023.

Key stakeholders (for inputs) included learners, learning partners, learning-facilitors (all kinds).

Most engagement for input and validation with stakeholders in the "Consolidation of Learning" & "Focused Learning" learner growth phases.

Conducted proof-of-concept pilots

Research Focus

1/ "How to Convert Effort and Informat Activity into Measureable Growth Recognition"

2/ "A Path to Self-Driven (Self-Actuated) Communities"

Why important, What does a self-driven/actuated community look like? How the selfdriven Framework can help, Who (collaborations/drivers).

3/ "How Can Generative AI Support Learner Specific Project Based Learning?"

Research into using cognitive assistants (AI/LLMs) to "Bringing Learning To Life".

Research References

The research reference inputs into the selfdriven Operating System is by many people and from many resources.

The follow list as the start of indexing the references.

We are continuously updating it.


For believing in selfdriven at the start, the team at Turramurra High School, NSW, Australia


The original whitepaper covering key why, who, what & how.


How as a community we make decisions and control the energy flows.


selfdriven Identity


The passive & active energy powering the selfdriven ecosystem.

Cognitive Assistance

Research into supporting self-driven project based learning design with ChatGPT etc


Explore the universal skills set.


Talk to us about any help you may need.