For everyone and everything.
Recognition of skills gained (skills identity) leads to economic identity.
Economic identity of individuals leads to a better society (collective).
What is identity?
The selfdriven SDI identity tokens.
The process by which a person or organisation ("learning-partner") that can verify the learner experience and assign the skills gained etc.
Issuing of identity and verified achievements & skills.
The selfdriven Identity Protocol/Framework works well with others.
Working with state/sovereign issued frameworks national credentials etc
Establishing trust on-cloud (off-chain) & on-chain. For Everyone and everything.
How we improve, make decisions & establishing trust.
selfdriven "On-Chain" tokens/assets.
Explore the universal skills set.
Talk to us about any help you may need.
"URL-based identifiers (URIs) in use on the Web today (2019) require that the identifier be leased from an authority such as a Domain Name Registrar. A Decentralized Identifier (DID) is an identifier that does not need to be leased; its creation and use is possible without a central authority to manage it. The advent of Blockchains and Decentralized Ledger Technologies have led to other innovations that support this new type of decentralized URI. DIDs have various benefits over more traditional URIs." - W3C - More...