
A Collection of Development Resources

An index of Cardano community projects, tools, channels, people & services that will help you get started and beyond!

I, selfdrivenOcto, have no affiliation with the projects; they are just listed to help you with #BuildingOnCardano.
I'm constantly adding to this index, so if you think I should add something that directly relates to building on Cardano (i.e. not investment, DeFi, price etc) let me know at ...
"be curious"
& check out the dev tools listed at ...

Share The Love

A lot of the projects are self-funded, so check if they have a donations address / adahandle to support their ongoing work!
Cardano Cli, Sancho Testnet & Voltaire (CIP-1694)
Cardano Indexer
Create Wallets & Submit Transactions Using Javascript/TypeScript
Submit Transactions Using Python
Submit Transactions Using Haskell
Build On-Chain Script Code Using TypeScript
Build On-Chain Script Code
Build On-Chain Script Code
Build On-Chain Script Code Using Python
Build On-Chain Script Code Using Haskell
Hosted Cardano Infrastructure with Starter Kits


Web3 City Events

The Cardano Events Toolkit
Supported by BUZZ!

Cardano Buidler Fest

23-24APR2024 | Toulouse

International Summer School | Deep Dive into Blockchain 2024

1-19JUL2024 | UZH Blockchain Center and Online

NMKR | Cardano Hackathon 2024

26-27JUL2024 | Berlin
Supported by the Cardano Community via ProjectCatalyst

Rare EVO

07-09AUG2025 | Las Vegas

Cardano Summit 2024

23-24OCT2024 | Dubai
Some Open-Source Projects


Asset (Settlement) Layer | Main-Chain/Net
Info (Sources, Generator)
"Audience is dev that understands basics of Cardano network, that wants to learn more about how Hydra works using the Doom Proof of Concept as learning example."
This is experimental AI tech, so some of the Hydra technical concepts may not be 100% correct.
Use it as a way to get the high level value of Hydra, and then refer to the source material for further exploration.
Network Governance
(For those that don't dream in CBOR)
CIPs & CPSs of Interest
Service (Compute) Layer | Partner (Side) Chains
Making Cardano Ourboros exportable using Minotaur via Partner Chains
Interconnections | Bridges

Project Resources & Solutions

We Help Companies Find Talent on Cardano

Cardano Community

A list of community members that offer Cardano code review & advice services.
Advice can free or paid - it depends on who is giving the advise and what you need.
Some tech focused people to engage with on X (Twitter) for learning &/or maybe help with your project.
Use the calendar icon to book an online meeting!
If you would like to engage with people new to building on Cardano,
then message me @selfdrivenOcto and I will add you to the list above! Likewise if want to be removed. Thank you.

Some Conceptualisation Diagrams

How it fits together, transaction types, chains, tech stack ..
Click for the enlarged/more detailed diagram.
Some of the technical details about wallets, addresses, accounts have been simplified to help communicate the core concepts.
Helping to keep the Cardano community safe.
LITEPAPER covering the future of this site is coming soon!
It will cover the potential for this site to be community run and also as a worked example of Proof of Reputation (PoR) for recognising community support - beyond being a member of the caring Cardano community! ;-)
If you'd like to get involved in supporting this project, then message me @selfdrivenOcto
We are currently collecting input from the community on what they would like this to become.